News articles re: Cassandra's activism in the community
TheStruggle.org: Media for Justice, Justice for the People
A riveting talk Cassandra Henderson a Black activist and former pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church of Atlanta speaking about her experiences in Palestine with Israeli soldiers and Palestinians.

"30 minutes into service Cassandra Henderson, a third-year MDiv student and one of the lead organizers in the protest, approached the pulpit and began the litany..."
From panels to protests, Cassandra Henderson has been an active voice in social justice. Co-Founder of the CommunitySpeaksATL which provided space for the voices of people to meet their leaders in a place that gives room for communal grief, lament, and moving toward positive response. Cassandra's activism has spanned from advocacy in the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (G-CAPP), BlackLivesMatter, issue-emergence in the intersectionality between the struggle for justice in the USA for African Americans and the Palestinian Liberation from occupation, and issues surrounding Native American disenfranchisement. Cassandra's advocacy has also included serving as the voice for women's rights, education, environmental justice/creation care, criminal justice reform, death penalty abolition and inmate re-entry as well as livable and fair wages.
It is Cassandra's firm belief that faith in God must compel us to act on the behalf of others, to intercede in prayer and protest to enable God's kingdom to be on earth as it is in heaven. Cassandra's passion is for God's people and her commitment to justice is grounded in love and her desire to see that justice and equality be accessible, as the standard, for all.
Her quest for conflict transformation and social justice has led her to travel to Arizona to Native American and Hopi Reservations as well as Palestine in October 2015, and throughout the continental United States.

"Forgive us for our complacency for not speaking out when we ought to, standing up when we need to, being in solidarity when we must.” prayed Cassandra Henderson, Minister to Students at Ebenezer Baptist Church.

"Among those also calling for Gissendaner’s life to be spared are Rev. Kim Jackson, Episcopal Chaplain with the Atlanta University Center, Min. Cassandra Henderson with the Youth and Children’s Program at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and Letitia Campbell with the Candler School of Theology."